CitoBet - Account closure

Hello, since 03.10.24, the account has been blocked, 173 USD do not pay me and do not answer my email, and in the online support service, the same person always closes the chat when he sees my username, I am a verified player, an honest player, but these scammers do not pay, help if you can solve this issue

Quick facts

Date raised
Nov 19, 2024
Disputed amount
Case status

1 response

Reply from Gamblescope:

Dear Arman009,

Thank you for your message and for reaching out to us regarding the issues with your account at Citobet.

We have already contacted the casino administration to clarify all the details of your situation. We are committed to updating your case and will publish a response here as soon as we receive information from the casino. We will also try to invite a casino manager to this conversation to confirm a positive resolution to your dispute.

We appreciate your patience and will keep you informed of all developments.