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How Gamblescope Rates Gambling Platforms

A Complete Guide to How we Publish Fair and Unbiased Casino, Sports Betting, and Poker Platform Reviews and Ratings

Casino review websites perform an important function within the online gambling industry. These sites are designed to research, evaluate, report, compare and rate real money gambling platforms such as casinos , poker sites  and online sportsbooks  to help players find the most suitable sites with the minimum effort.

Given the growing popularity of gambling and the subsequent increase in the number of new gambling sites available online, it should come as no surprise that many real money players turn to review sites to get the insider info and recommendations. Websites like Gamblescope, can save players time and effort in their pursuit to find the best places to open a gambling account.

While many casino review websites add real value; it is fair to say that, like in every other industry, there are some that are not exactly what they claim to be. There are many reasons why some review sites are inclined to provide biased, misleading, and sometimes false information regarding the gambling platforms they represent. There are those that work for themselves and not the player, promoting only the casinos that pay the highest rates of commission. Others will serve a higher number of casinos but refuse to report anything negative for fear of losing a commission. Worse, there are those that are set up by the very casinos they review, no surprise then that these casinos are top rated.

For clarity and transparency, GambleScope has produced this guide to explain exactly how we conduct casino reviews.

To better understand why some casino review sites are not as impartial as others, we should first look at how they work and profit.

Online casino review websites make their money through lead generation marketing, a practice more commonly referred to as affiliate marketing. By promoting the casinos they are affiliated with, a review website can earn commission payments on every new player that makes a real money deposit.

On a casino review website, player referrals are made naturally through methods of research, evaluation, reporting, comparison, player feedback and casino ratings, with different review sites using some or all of these methods. That is at least the underlying principle.

One may wonder, how can a casino review website be in any way objective, when in reality they need to provide favourable reviews to encourage players to click on their links? This simple answer is that while many claim to be impartial, some simply are not.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with promoting any or all products or services favourably on a website. No law says that a balanced, unbiased view must be given when reviewing products and services on the internet. But how does this help real money players when they are given misleading, inaccurate, and sometimes false information from sources they are lead to believe are impartial?

We are entirely independent are not backed by specific companies or organisations who make money in the online gambling industry. We have no vested interest to favour any particular online gambling establishment over another, and what is more, we don’t! This website is ultimately and entirely independent.

Our Reviews are completely impartial

From our experience, no single gambling establishment is the best at everything, they all have their strengths and weaknesses. For example, one casino may have a remarkable collection of live dealer casino games but has below average customer service. Which one should you choose? Well, we believe that it is for the player to decide. Our job is to remain neutral and report the facts given you the information and our ratings on the different areas of operation.

An online gambling brand that is considered by most to be a casino may also offer Sports betting and online poker. Other sites may specialise in Bingo and Lotto. With so many different online gambling establishments emerging, the lines are becoming blurred.

We also acknowledge that a poker player may also enjoy the occasional game of Bingo or wager on a football league game. For this reason, we do not specialise. reviews online casinos, bookmakers, poker platforms, bingo websites, lotto, and anything else that may emerge in the future.

Reviews are at the centre of everything we do. Therefore, we take great care to give them our very best efforts.

Our Research Team undertakes the first part of the review process. Their primary job, amongst other duties, is to troll the Internet to find online gambling sites around the globe that appear to offer a safe and credible platform.

Research findings are then presented to our affiliate manager, who will make contact, ask the critical questions, and make a decision on whether GambleScope should affiliate with a particular company. The Affiliate Manager will only proceed to enter into an agreement if everything appears safe and above board at this stage.

Once an agreement is in place, the order to proceed is passed on to our Review Team. Our Review team will conduct the in-depth research needed to analyse the services, strengths, weaknesses and value proposition of the platform. Reviewers are under no obligation to give a glowing review. Their loyalty is to you, our reader and their mission is to provide readers with the facts as they see it.

Once the review is complete, it is sent to our Editorial department for publication on the website. The information is verified, grammatical errors are corrected, and key facts are entered into our database. Only then is the review published.

Our loyalties will always be with our readers and provide them with the very best fair and balanced report it is possible to give. It matters not to GambleScope if a platform we are affiliated with has poor performance in a particular area, like withdrawing winnings, for instance. We have new gambling sites joining our platform daily and therefore have the means and the will to simply point out the facts and let our readers decide the best options available to gamble and play.