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New Zero House Edge Gambling: A Scam or Legit?

The house always wins. This is a familiar adage that almost every gambler has heard at least once in their efforts to win a fortune gambling at brick and mortar or online casinos the world over. Of course this saying does not actually refer to ‘winning’ since players win their casino games reasonably often; otherwise, the entire industry wouldn’t exist at all. What the saying specifically refers to is the fact that the casino (the house) implements a failsafe advantage on every casino game that they offer.

This is known as the ‘house edge’ and what that means for the gambler is that the casino will always profit from the gambling activities of their customers. The house edge is seen as unfair by some players and as a necessary evil by others. Some argue that the house edge can be somewhat mitigated by smart play or by using a particular betting strategy. However, in the end, the house edge is still an unfair advantage, no matter how small that percentage may be.

How House Edge is sown into Every Casino Game


It doesn’t matter if you like to play casino games at a brick and mortar casino in Las Vegas or Atlantic City, or you prefer to get your gambling kicks lying on the couch playing online casino games, the dreaded house edge is still going to be there. This is because the house edge is already incorporated into the casino games, meaning that as soon as you place your bets, you are part of the so-called unfair system.

Different casino games come with different house edge percentages, and roulette games do not offer the same house edge percentages as blackjack, which in turn don’t provide the same house edge percentages as say, baccarat or craps. This is because the house edge percentage isn’t a standard or arbitrary number just thrown into every game. House edge percentages are carefully calculated based on various odds and betting options, unique to each type of casino game. This essentially means that if you choose a specific betting option, you can actually lower the house edge percentage, but, can you ever get the house edge percentage down to zero?

Zero House Edge Percentage – What does it mean?

The idea of offering online casino games with absolutely no house edge (house advantage) sown into the games is not necessarily a new one, although, up until relatively recently the concept just wasn’t practical. However, the advent of cryptocurrencies, starting with Bitcoin in 2009 has made the idea not only viable but has put it into actual existence.

The zero edge concept is quite simple. Since the online casino offering zero edge casino games does not utilise the conventional casino methods of making a profit, but rather profit from the sale of crypto currency-based tokens instead, there is no longer any need to extract profit from player’s losses. The casino sells tokens which are needed to play the zero edge games on offer, which drives profits, and players using the tokens can then enjoy casino games with a pure 50-50 chance of winning. So, to answer the question, no – the zero edge gambling concept is certainly not a scam.