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Why Casino Loyalty will be dead by 2020

Online casino is one of the most dynamic industries in the world and also one of the most contested. There are thousands of casinos online today competing on multiple platforms including mobile. The intense competition for your patronage has seen online casinos offer all sorts of incentives, including massive bonuses, free spins, and loyalty points (aka player points).

However, with a new generation of online gamblers entering the market, raised on more sophisticated gaming platforms, the simple loyalty rewards schemes that have been standard fare at online casinos is simply not enough to hold their attention or their loyalty.

For many, online casino gaming has become more than just about playing standard casino games and slots. Players want to feel more invested in the casino environment and, when they believe that an online casino is lacking in these areas, they will often move on to one that can offer something more than just standard casino games and loyalty points. This has led to many post-2010 online casinos to introduce an entirely fresh and innovative way to not only attract new players but also ensure that they retain those players once they’ve signed up.

Online Casino Gamification – What is it and how does it Work?

Gamification within online casinos first began to appear around 2012, when a new generation of online casinos, such as Casumo Casino, brought something entirely fresh to the online casino world. Essentially, gamification combines various elements of game mechanics with standard online casino features. The result, an online casino experience that is far more immersive and engaging, giving the player a more rewarding experience that goes beyond simple loyalty points or other conventional incentives.

At gamification-based online casinos, like Casumo, Ikibu and Rizk Casino, players enjoy an enhanced level of interaction thanks to competitive leaderboards and pre-set goals which need to be reached to unlock new games or features.

At Ikibu Casino, for example, players collect seeds in place of conventional player points and use a map-based gaming platform to do so. Seeds can then be used to purchase all sorts of goodies at their store. This reinvention of the conventional player point system has proven to be a massive hit, and other casinos such as Energy Casino have followed suit, offering their own version called Energy Points.

Mission Possible

The mission-based platform is by far the most popular form of casino gamification currently available. Here, players get the chance to go on mission adventures which ultimately result in the completion of specific game-related goals. A great example of this can be seen at Kaboo Casino, where players get to choose from four different missions. Casino Heroes takes the concept even further, creating an entire fantasy world which allows players to create game avatars, complete mission stages, fight stage bosses and much more.

Gamification casinos are not just a passing trend, but rather a taste of things to come. While there will always be a place for conventional (traditional) online casinos, it’s quite easy to see how the unprecedented popularity of gamification casinos ultimately signals the death knell of the standard loyalty systems and, why casino loyalty (as you know it) will be dead by 2020.