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This is a global payment solution provider that offers the ability to make payments online at ApcoPay Сasinos in lieu of making your deposits at the bank. They offer standard payment methods, as well as payment methods for merchants in order to process payments from their customers. You can use this program in order to make payments on an online casino gaming account to deposit your funds for playing.
About ApcoPay
ApcoPay is available in over 97 countries across the entire world. You can use this payment system in Canada, the United States, Brazil and Bolivia. They accept many different currencies, including the United States dollar.
In order to set up your account with this particular payment system, you will need proper forms of identification. The system will ask you to input your personal information, such as your name and date of birth. This is in order to ensure that your identity is in fact accurate.
After this, you will have to enter your payment details, such as your bank card or your bank account number and routing number. It is possible that the company will also ask you to submit a copy of your photo ID issued by the government in your country. all of these measures are put in place in order to ensure that it is really you opening the account and prevent identity theft or fraud.
The process of setting up your account is almost instantaneous and once you deposit money into your account you will be able to use it immediately. You should also note that there are of course limits as to how much money you can deposit or withdraw in the course of a day, week or month. You should keep aware of these limitations when using your account.
Why Choose ApcoPay?
This is one of the best payment systems that you can use online. This is one of the finest options for funding a casino online game account because it is especially secure in all of its transactions. One major concern that online gamblers have is whether or not their payment information will remain private. The ApcoPay system places special emphasis on the security and confidentiality of the customer's private information, in terms of identity and payment information.
How to Use ApcoPay
You will be asked to enter your personal information, such as your email address full legal name, date of birth and physical address. You will then be prompted to enter information such as your payment details via your credit card or your bank account. You may be asked to enter your bank account number and routing number, which is completely safe to do with this trustworthy banking provider. It is possible that this payment processor may ask you to copy of your photo ID granted by the government in your country.
Guide to Setting Up an Account
Using this online payment system is as simple as visiting their website and signing up with a profile on the website. You will be prompted to enter your personal information, such as your email address, full legal name, date of birth and physical address. After this, you will also be prompted to enter your card information or your bank account information, complete with a routing number, in order to complete your setup.
In certain situations, this payment processor may ask you to submit extra proof of your personal identity. You should oblige so that you may further ensure the safety of your personal information on their website. You may even be asked to submit a copy of your photo ID given to you by the government in your country.
Casino Deposits and Withdrawals
You can both deposit and withdraw using this payment system at ApcoPay Сasinos. in order to deposit into your account, you simply have to deposit cash funds at the bank teller of a participating bank or at a participating ATM machine close to you. The same can be said of making withdrawals.
The funds that you deposit into your account will be almost immediately available for you to play your online games with. You will be able to access these funds nearly instantaneously. From time to time, there is a delay which is rarely more than 48 hours.
ApcoPay system Fees
The system fees for this payment provider are very minimal. The fees will depend upon the ATM that you are using or the specific bank that you are depositing your money with. You should inquire with the bank in order to determine what the fees may be.
ApcoPay is easy to use at ApcoPay Сasinos and comes with only very minimal fees for withdrawal and deposit. Additionally, this payment system is easy to set up an online account with. Also, this is a very secure payment processing system to use as they ensure that each individual's banking information remains completely confidential throughout the course of all of their purchases, withdrawals and deposits with merchants and ApcoPay Сasinos.
One of the only cons that the payment processing system has is that it is not available in every single country across the world. Also, as far as use with gambling, the number of ApcoPay Сasinos available growing but currently limited. There are people who want to gamble all over the world and it would be ideal for the payment processing system to provide for that.
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